Archives for June 2013

Great Book, So Far

I just finished Part I (HOW WE GOT HERE) of the highly informative new book by Jeffrey J. Selingo.  The title is COLLEGE (UN)BOUND.  In just 50 pages, the author gives an excellent description and analysis of what went wrong.  The only quibble I have with his analysis is that he seems doesn’t seem to […]

New Comment On NY Times

This NY Times blog does have some new thoughts, in that it addresses the value of college as a public good.  My only complaint is that, yes, in spite of wasting a lot of money and futures, you can still add up to an overall public good; but, you shouldn’t be so wasteful if you don’t […]

Discriminatory Pricing

Universities use this all the time.  What is it?  It’s a common business pricing technique.  Suppose you have a lemonade stand.  You determine the optimum price to charge by computing the price that will maximize your profit.  (You use Calculus, of course!)  After you determine that price (say $50 a glass), you realize that you could sell […]

Net Price Calculator

Congress recently mandated that colleges make a net price calculator available on their website.  I think all students and parents should use it before applying.  Also, if the college makes it hard to use or find, I would be somewhat concerned.  Finally, see my next post on “Discriminatory Pricing”

A Thought Experiment on University Reputation

You are a student taking an important math course taught in large lecture sections by an adjunct (who dropped out of your elite school’s graduate program).  That frees up some of the professorial staff to work with a few brilliant math students that your college recruited for their Putnam team.  (The Putnam Math Competition is […]

“The Fish Stinks From the Head”

The following is a comment about how administrators may have taken a statement by David Riesman.  The comment was made on the following article.   Let’s see, there’s teacher training, not so good, overall.  Then there’s STEM training, not so good, overall. Oh, there’s lawyer training, not so good, even “unscrupulous”, according to some […]

A Suggestion for Holding Colleges Accountable for Teacher Performance

I posted the following suggestion as a comment to this WSJ article   A significant part of the teacher competency problem is no fault of the teachers.  It starts with the training they get in college.  Many high school teachers are especially penalized by inadequate preparation in their subject.  This is no fault of […]

Opinion Piece in NY Times on Higher Ed

Here is the link to it. I commented as follows: The point about college completion rates between generations is greatly magnified by two factors.  In that same time period, (1) amount of time studying has decreased by 35%, though grades have gone up, with only 20% now studying as much as students did 30 […]

On Metadata, Privacy and Opposition

Warning:  This is not about education and I may not actually know what I’m talking about.:) It surprises me that people who feel that they don’t have anything to hide trust the government to collect Internet data.  I claim that it could well be against their interest for the government to collect Internet data.  For a […]