Baccalaureate to Ph.D. in Science and Engineering (Feeder Schools)

This is based on the following from the National Science Foudation.

The original data looks at the top 50 schools that feed their graduates into Science and Engineering Ph.D. programs.  You will see that many non-research universities send a higher proportion of their students into PhD programs than many research schools do.

I added the following to the original dats.  I computed the proportion of S&E majors that went on to get a PhD.  (The orinal data gives the proportion of ALL graduates that go on to a PhD in an S&E field.)  I also give the average SAT score for the school.

There were some surprises that make me wonder about some of the data.  It would also be nice to know where the students get their PhD, for example – or even better, what they eventually end up doing.  Anyway, here is what I have for now.
