Columbia Cancels High Visibility Concert – What Does This Really Mean?

Columbia Cancels Concert Amid Safety Concerns –

I don’t know the answer to my own question.  But, given that the adminstrators and faculty at Columbia haven’t changed, I worry that this particular concert was cancelled simply because of its high visiblity (It got in the Times.), and not because of any serious change in policy.  This is a subject that a student committee addresses, which is quoted  in the article.

It seems to me that changing policy means changing how free students are to do as they please – party, not get in trouble, etc… , something many students aren’t going to like.

In any case the NY Times coverage of Columbia has been excellent, and it seems to matter.  Here are some links to posts about Columbia and articles about them.

Columbia and sexual assault case

Does Columbia protect its “brand“?

Can anyone go to Columbia?