Great Book, So Far

I just finished Part I (HOW WE GOT HERE) of the highly informative new book by Jeffrey J. Selingo.  The title is COLLEGE (UN)BOUND.  In just 50 pages, the author gives an excellent description and analysis of what went wrong.  The only quibble I have with his analysis is that he seems doesn’t seem to be aware of how much was already going wrong in the 70’s and 80’s.  Readers of this blog know that David Riesman and Clark Kerr saw the problems as early as 1980.  Still, Mr. Selingo understands what is wrong and why.  Furthermore, he explains it very well.  (He is an editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education).

Discard your US News and go out and buy Mr. Selingo’s book.  It will be of more value than all the college guides put together.  (And I have not even finished t book, yet.  I will report back when I do.)