Law Schools Like These Seem to Serve Everyone But Their Students – Who Probably, In Actuality, Serve the School

Creditors Keep Troubled Law Schools on Life Support –

I wrote two comments.

“Prof. Solomon’s analysis is an eye-opener. It tells us that the institutional setting (by that I mean regulations, norms, social expectations, etc…), within which colleges of all types operate, allows them to act almost solely in their selfish interest with few penalties attached. The cost of this to our society is enormous – economically, socially and politically. If we don’t fix it fast, we are in big trouble. An uneducated democracy is doomed.”

AND, this one

“I disagree with the author that

“…What sent Thomas Jefferson over the edge was debt…”

What sent T. Jeff. over the edge was greed.

The fact that student debt averages “…$180,665…the highest among all schools surveyed by U. S. News..” and that less than 30% of their grads have full time legal jobs nine months after graduation, gives lie to the first sentence on their admissions page,

“At Thomas Jefferson School of Law, your success as a law student is our most important priority.”

Given the facts, that sentence sounds like something from a con artist, something that only naive, young students would believe. “