Caroline Hoxby’s Economic Model – Does It Help Explain “A Tale Out Of School” And Other Behaviors?

Maybe it does.  Here is a link to a paper where Prof. Hoxby (Prof. of Econ. at Bekelely, formerly at Harvard and a MacArthur Fellow) describes two models of of institutions of higher education: The models are described in the first part of the paper.  Prof. Hoxby “…contrast[s] nonselective postsecondary education (NSPE) in which institutions sell fairly standardized […]

Financial Times Commentary on Higher Ed in America

“Price has come unmoored from the value and even the cost of an education, says Mark Vandevelde” is the subtitle of the comment It is well written, to the point, and cites Nobel Prize Wnner Michael Spence for an explanation for why buying no education is still worth it economically.  Its just a tax.

Good Short Article in The Atlantic with Informative Table.

Here is the link to the article Here is my comment: “Just read what Bill Gross, the billionare bond investor of Pimco wrote: “…Universities are run for the benefit of the adult establishment, both politically and financially, not students. To radically change the system and to question the sanctity of a college education would […]

Need for Math to Study Econ – Excellent Description – But…

The post, , in The Atlantic gives a careful description of how much math is needed in econimics, except for one flaw.  The authors conflate “course” with “content”.  I discussed that in my comment, which I copied below.  Still, I think it is an excellent and enlightening article. ” I am a math professor who […]

College Loans – Who Benefits the Most? Best Bond Manager Ever Comments

About 40 million people owe over one trillion dollars in student loans.   Bill Gross, the most successful bond manager ever, and the founder of PIMCO (the largest bond management company in the world), gave this explanation: “…Universities are run for the benefit of the adult establishment, both politically and financially, not students. To radically change the […]

Opinion Piece in NY Times on Higher Ed

Here is the link to it. I commented as follows: The point about college completion rates between generations is greatly magnified by two factors.  In that same time period, (1) amount of time studying has decreased by 35%, though grades have gone up, with only 20% now studying as much as students did 30 […]

Link to A Column by Paul Krugman on Education

I think it is informative – and a little scary.  I worry that it makes the mistake of confusing “degreed” with “educated”.  I made a comment online to that effect.  Here is the link to the article,