On David Kirp’s New York Times Op-Ed, Do Advisors Help?

David Kirp has spent worked on higher education issues for a long time and can be outspoken.  I was a little surprised at this op-ed http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/09/opinion/how-to-help-college-students-graduate.html?ref=opinion&_r=0.  Here is why. “Professor Kirp must realize that the programs that he advocates would be instituted in universities where “”the pursuit of money…has become a virtue” and where “Nowhere […]

Is The Atlantic Right to Report on a Report the Way it Did?

I previously commented on an article about a paper by the president of Northwestern, Northwestern President Publishes Study About Northwestern And the National Bureau of Economic Research Publishes It? The paper apparently is getting lots of publicity and The Atlantic published a second post on it, http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/09/are-tenured-professors-really-worse-teachers-a-lit-review/279940/#comments I don’t agree with some of the reporter’s […]

Northwestern President Publishes Study About Northwestern And the National Bureau of Economic Research Publishes It?

Here is a link to the Chronicle of Higher Education’s article, “Ad­juncts Are Bet­ter Teachers Than Tenured Professors, Study Finds” http://chronicle.com/article/Ad-juncts-Are-Bet-ter/141523/ Here is my view, which I posted on the Chronicle’s site as a comment. “The PRESIDENT of Northwestern has done a study about Northwester’s students, Northwestern’s Professors, and, Northwestern’s Adjuncts- a study coauthored with […]