The Game Isn’t Rigged?

Can my working-class students avoid years of underemployment?…

…As you learn quickly here in Vegas, the game isn’t rigged, but the odds don’t work in your favor.

Source: Long Odds in the Game of Life – 

I commented.

I’m sorry, Brittany. I really am. It is rigged; big time. I’m a former math professor. .

II know just how rigged it is. If you look at my comments on the (essentially companion to yours) op-ed on the U. of Minnesota, you will find glaring examples of how it is rigged. You should also carefully read that piece, and ask yourself how prescient the great sociologist David Riesman was in 1980, when he wrote.

“…advantage can…be taken of [students] by unscrupulous instructors and institutions…the student estate often does not grasp its own interests, and those who speak in its name are not always its friends….”

It is so rigged that, sadly, students and their parents (sorry, “consumers”) are fooled into thinking almost anything but that they have been fooled. “It’s just the economy”, “Nowadays, you need a masters.”, etc… No, not completely. Here is Riesman again.

“…the “wants” of students to which competing institutions, departments, and individual faculty members cater are quite different from the “needs” of students…”
Yes, Brittany, it is rigged; but you, with your writing ability,have a chance to stop it, but first you will have to see it.