Political Science: University of Michigan, too?

Here is what I found.  They use the same text as Washington University, except that I don’t think they have outside readings.  On the other hand, if, as is apparently true in Wash. U.’s case, the readings don’t matter, what does it matter what text they use? (See my previous post.)

The link to the syllabus is here: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lupia/Papers/PS%20111%20syllabus%20Winter%202007%20FINAL.pdf

Here are some comments about one of the professors.  They give some idea of the course, I think.

“He summarizes the readings pretty well in his lectures, so you can still get an A on the exams without doing the readings.”

“the final– was ridiculously hard for a 100 level class, especially compared to the mid term.  the grades were curved, so it wasnt a huge problem”

“This is a great professor.  The exams come straight from the lecture notes…[he] is easy to understand and his exams are very clear and not difficult.  He is a good professor and I got an A.”

“He summarizes the readings pretty well in his lectures, so you can still get an A on the exams without doing the readings… Class is straight up lecture. Nothing innovative, little discussion”

“…you can probably get by without buying the book. You will do fine as long as you go to class and pay attention.”

” Go to class, take good notes, and show him your term paper before you turn it in.  Study for the midterm and the final and you’ll get an A.”