Archives for February 2020

Piketty on “Diffusion of Knowledge”

Today’s Financial Times has a review of Thomas Piketty’s new book. I commented by pointing out that Piketty views knowledge and educational systems to be of tantamount importance, but I worry he doesn’t see the problem. Here is my comment. I hope the new book addresses what, in his previous book, Prof. Piketty points out […]

Fed Chair Tells Congress to Blame the Education System

See where I gave an explanation. he problem with the educational system isn’t easy to see – unless you are on the inside. Then it is clear. Our system of higher education has become corrupted and that is what has disrupted the whole system. I’ll explain further down, but first, here is Bill Gross, […]

David Brooks on Education

David Brooks is on to something, but we need to start with basics. I commented, Did you say we need to change how we “educate” everyone? I didn’t know we did. And that’s a problem. Here is Jefferson on why it’s a problem. “…Preach…a crusade against ignorance…improve the law for educating the common people. […]

Which of These Schools Truly Educates Students? Which Fits David Riesman’s (1980) Observations?

The following is from the lead article in Washington University’s 2012 School of Arts and Sciences (A & S) Magazine. The article is about “…How Arts and Sciences faculty encourage new science students to stay the course…”. “[Prof. X] brought a new way of teaching to campus…. To create a deeper level of understanding, not […]

What the Times Editorial Board Misses, But Jefferson Didn’t

The NY Times published this excellent editorial, but missed one important item that is destructive to our democracy. Here is the link, followed by my comment. You write that there are “a pair of intertwined developments…that have magnified the influence of money…” Thomas Jefferson would add one more – the development that, without which, […]