On Mark Bauerlein’s Commentary in “The Chronicle of Higher Education”

In his Commentary “Give AP Credit Where Credit Is Due”, Professor Bauerlein explains how he “…chaired a group of high-school and college English teachers charged … with reviewing and revising the standards for…” an AP course.  (See his entire commentary at http://chronicle.com/article/Give-AP-Credit-Where-Credit-Is/137543/) Prof. Bauerlein writes that there “…was a deliberate, two-year process. For instance, we examined the results […]

AP Calculus Courses Discussion on NPR

I commented on the “Talk of the Nation” show: “Op-Ed: AP Classes Are One of America’s ‘Great Frauds’”.  It is based on a piece by Mr. Tierney that appeared in the Atlantic.  My comments are about 6 minutes into the show.  Here is a link to the NPR program: http://www.npr.org/2012/12/03/166414595/op-ed-ap-classes-are-a-scam