What Does the Graph Reveal?

In a novel experiment, the Education Department announced Tuesday up to $17 million in loans and grants for students to undergo training at eight entities that aren’t traditional colleges.

Source: Obama Administration to Fund Nontraditional Training for Students – WSJ

I wrote,

After spending decades in one of the most corrupted businesses in America, it is obvious to me why the “Skills Gap” is so big. (It would be much worse if it compared recent grads to only older grads.)

If you are interested, go to my (non-commercial) blog, inside-higher-ed; read A Tale Out of School, see the category University Education Dumbs Down High School – and others – and you will see  the statistical and anecdotal evidence that fleshes out the following quote from Bill Gross.

“Universities are run for the benefit of the adult establishment, both politically and financially, not students. To radically change the system and to question the sanctity of a college education would be to jeopardize trillions of misdirected investment dollars and financial obligation” (see the attribution on my blog.)

This has to be stopped.