Archives for May 2014

“Nurturing”, Spot On

Thank you, Charles Blow.  Here is the article, followed by my comment. In College, Nurturing Matters – From my years as a professor, the essence of the Gallup/Purdue study is encapsulated in this sentence: “Feeling supported AND [my caps] having deep learning experiences means everything when it comes to long-term outcomes for college graduates.” […]

Gallup-Purdue Poll: “Support” and “Deep Learning” Means Everything in College

Here is the link to the survey Life in College Matters for Life After College. There is also an article in the Wall Street Journal.  I added a comment, partially because I was concerned that the focus of the article was a little too much on “support”.  Here is my comment. “From the perspective of someone […]

“College, the Great Unequalizer” in the New York Times

College, the Great Unequalizer – This is a good op-ed.  I will read the book.

Sexual Assault Case at Columbia – Extremely Sad

This is in today’s NY Times.  Fight Against Sex Assaults Holds Colleges to Account –  I find the manner in which the young woman was apparently  treated in line with how an administration would try to silence anything harmful to the “brand”.  I don’t know if that is the case here, but I worry […]

Robert Solow: “Get used to it.”

I’m reading Robert Solow’s  ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ by Thomas Piketty, reviewed | New Republic and I just came across an excellent example of one of the essences of good teaching.  Here is the quote: “…Reference to the capital-output or capital-income ratio is commonplace in economics.  Get used to it…”  [Italics added for emphasis.] It reminds […]

Comment on Piketty’s Book: What if the Growth in Education is an Illusion?

I’m reading, CAPITAL IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Piketty, Thomas (2014-03-10). Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Kindle Locations 2-3). Harvard University Press. Kindle Edition. It has received phenomenol reviews.  I will comment on it later.  It is important for this blog because he writes that, “…Knowledge and skill diffusion is the key to overall productivity growth […]

Total NSF Awards by Institutions

I will add this to my links. Award Summary Information: Top 50 Institutions.