According to OECD, Most Workers Who Feel Overqualified Aren’t. So Why? Have They Been Conned?

Jordan Weissmann has a post in The Atlantic on this

My comment on his post explains my position:

“Many of those who think that they are overeducated are actually “over-degreed” by schools that convince students that they are getting a “college education” (and many other types of education), when they aren’t.  The brilliant David Riesman was talking about our non-profit colleges and universities when he wrote “…advantage can still be taken of [students] by unscrupulous instructors and institutions…the student estate often does not grasp its own interests, and those who speak in its name are not always its friends…”  He wrote that quote in 1980 before administrators were so confident as they are today that they can easily get away with fooling everyone. (If you want to see just how much they think no one is watching, read… on my blog.)
What do we get by not holding institutions of higher education accountable?  undereducated, over-degreed adults who are convinced that they are well-educated. Much worse, we get too many adults who have been robbed of the future they and their parents hoped for.”