Statisticallyl Interesting Report

In my previous post “Highly Educated” (From The Atlantic)?  I Say Maybe “Highly Degreed” I referenced Jordan Weissmann’s Atlantic article

I think his statistics are wrong but very interesting and I expressed this in my comment.

“If 84% of all of today’s 27 year olds have some college, then the number of 27 year olds with a some college is almost exactly the same as the number of 27 year olds with an IQ above 85.  If a third of all 27 year olds have a bachelor’s degree, then that is almost exactly the same as all 27 year olds with an IQ above 107.  (I am not saying that IQ determines education.  I’m just saying that statistically, there is something to ponder here.)

If you assume that about 15% of citizens don’t make it to the sophomore year of high school and change Jordan’s statement from “27 year olds” to “27 year olds who made it to their sophomore year”, then the numbers above change to IQ’s  of about 94 and 110 – still something to ponder.

It is true that the US has more college “degreed” citizens than almost any other country.  I seriously doubt that it is true that the US has more college educated (in the sense of, say, the Steve Jobs generation of students) citizens than many other developed nations.”