“Student Loans and Defaults: The Facts – NYTimes.com” My View: Anyway you Slice it, or Dice it, It’s Too Commonly a Shakedown

“…Graduate students borrow a lot more than undergraduates…”

Source: Student Loans and Defaults: The Facts – NYTimes.com

I commented.

A more descriptive statement than “…borrowing is highest among the minority of college students who go on for graduate study..” is:Borrowing is highest among two groups of students: those who realize that they were scammed and didn’t get a real college education, and then have to go on for graduate study; and those who get scammed a second time by being told that ‘nowadays’ you need a graduate degree’ – which you don’t IF you got an undergraduate education, not just a degree.I know how this works. I’m a former math professor.By the way, it’s not your grandfather’s Columbia either. #It was when Mr. Siegel was there.# Don’t believe me? look at Columbia’s 3-2 engineering program, or, read – in this paper – how poorly their Teacher’s College grads do teaching. # There are links and detailed descriptions on my blog inside-higher-ed .#