The STEM Crisis Is a Myth Says IEEE Spectrum; Probably Not Says I.

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth – IEEE Spectrum.

“As long as people continue to believe that a STEM “degree” is a STEM “education”, they will continue to believe that the STEM “education” shortage is a myth.

Just consider that today’s average engineering student is required to study about half the time that they were required to study in the 60’s, and 70% of the time they were required to study in the 80’s.

Today’s average college student improve .07 sigma on a Critical Learning Assessment test. In the 60’s, it was one sigma.

So, yes, there is a STEM shortage; but, there is no shortage of unscrupulous institutions and professors who will give STEM majors what they “want” instead of what they “need”. (Of course, the “customers” think they know what they need.)
I taught at Wash. U. in St. Louis. See my blog inside-higher-ed to see what happens.”