Google: Comp. Sci. Grads Who Do Get Jobs There

I thought I would follow up on my last post How to Get a Job at Google [Really What to Do in College to Get a Good Job.], Part 2 – with the following list which I compiled from LinkedIn (So it is only a very rough estimate):

School                      Math SAT              % Comp. Sci. grads at Google

Harvey Mudd          770                              7.2

Princeton                 755                                6.3

Carnegie-Mellon     755                                5.5

CalTech                     785                                5.4

Stanford                    745                                5.3

Yale                             750                               4.4

MIT                              770                              4.0

Cornell                         730                               3.7

Berkeley                       710                                3.4

Dartmouth                   730                               3.3

Rice                                740                               3.2

Brown                            715                                 3.0

Below 3% and with high math SAT’s are:

Harvard (2.8); Chicago (1.3); Washington Univ. (1.6); Columibia (2.2)

Vanderbilt (.8); Duke (1.9); Northwestern (1.2); Penn (2.4); Case Western (1.3);

UofI (2.4); Ga. Tech. (2)

This is not a complete list.