Higher Ed Dumbs Down Much of Society – Really. Here’s How

As a professor I have seen how the corrupted values in higher education have sent destructive waves throughout all of American education; and thus against the bulwark of our economy, our politics, and our society. Here is the process in a nutshell. ● It starts with poor undergraduate education for all but a very small […]

James Madison on Education and Democracy

Sadly, in today’s world of higher education, the institutions that Madison trusted to “diffuse knowledge” have used that trust to take knowledge, money and fame for themselves. Of course, when I say institutions, I don’t mean every institution, or every member of any particular institution. But everyone does bear some responsibility for stopping this. It […]

What Does the Syllabus Really Tell You? And How to Find Out What is Really Taught.

A reader looked at this year’s syllabus for the course that I wrote about in A Tale Out of School. The reader commented that there was nothing wrong with what this year’s syllabus covers.  Let’s look deeper and ask what covers means. For those who have read A Tale Out of School,  you may have […]

These 25 schools are responsible for the greatest advances in science

Source: These 25 schools are responsible for the greatest advances in science I think this is a good way to see if a school provides a quality undergraduate education.  I suggest that you compare these schools with the ones I ranked here.

Link to Repayment Data

This data was referred to by Kevin Carey and me. Here is the link. College Scorecard Data  

Link to My Discussion of Higher Ed on “Up Front Fridays” in Traverse City, Michigan

Source: Series: Up Front Fridays ( It is shown on UpNorthTV .  I’m the first guest on 9/14/2015.  It is only an eight minute segment. It can also be viewed online on www.upnorthmedia.org An Important Note: Something I said in the interview was not exactly correct. I said that professors at top schools don’t want to teach.  What I […]

Colleges Are Fooling You About “Tuition”

One thing college do know – they know what it is that most people don’t know, and how to mislead them. It’s amazing how hard they work to not disseminate knowledge.  (See this post for another example of their efforts.) Anyway, look at this graph. PublishedVSNet_TuitionGraph There was a good article about this and some discussion […]

How Some Colleges Teach Students About Finance – and Latin, to Boot

It is important for students to clearly understand the terms of any account they are offered, and to make sure they’re using it in a way that minimizes fees… Source: For College Students, Choosing a Bank Account Can Be a Minefield – The New York Times Also quoted from the article, “…Many schools contract with […]

New “Ranking” By Me Based On Brookings “Value-Added” Study

Look on the right under “rankings,…”