Oregon College Funding Plan May Have Potential

Instead of paying tuition, students will pay into a fund after graduation.  The plan is reported in today’s Wall Street Journa.  http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324251504578582101593420808.html?mod=ITP_pageone_1#articleTabs%3Dcomments

As I wrote in a comment, it has the potential for improving education.

“If everything goes right, this could be a move in the direction of holding schools accountable to both individuals and the public.  Since the late seventies schools have been accountable mainly to the student estate – an interest group that isn’t quite ready to determine how to prepare for its future needs.  The revenues generated by this program are more dependent on jobs – and, thus, honesty from the professoriate about the need for students to study and work hard  – and less dependent on evaluations That is good because student response to a professor leads to much dishonesty from the professoriate about the need for study and hard work to prepare for a good job.  This may actually free some professors to act responsibly toward their students.

Of course, all of this is dependent upon the state holding schools ultimately responsible for the fund.”


  1. Investors are also springing to fund students in this way. That way students can chooses courses outside of Oregon, crash courses on coding, etc., or even travel to learn language.
