Added Comment to Joe Nocera’s Opinion in NY Timse

Here it is. “The author writes that “…The real issue is: how do you make college affordable again?..”.  If that is all we do, “…make college affordable…” we will continue to get the system we have: institutions marketing and catering to uneducated consumers (in the past, quaintly known as students), a trillion dollars of student […]

On “The Berkeley Model” by Joe Nocera at the New York Times

Mr. Nocera writes that Fred Wiseman’s documentary is a “big wet kiss” to Berkely.  He expresses concern about the cost of education (which he should) and writes that “The real issue is: how do you make college more affordable today.” I am worried that many people like Joe Nocera and Jon Meacham (See Why Do […]

“At Berkeley” is not “At College”

Here is the pre-review I posted on the New York Times movie site. “I’m a former math professor. I worry that viewers of “At Berkeley” will leave with an impression of colleges and universities.  That would be a big mistake.  It is not true that “a college is a college is a college”.  I […]