That Fancy University Course? It Might Actually Come From an Education Company.(From the WSJ)

Important article. Here is the link. That Fancy University Course? It Might Actually Come From an Education Company. - WSJ … [Continue reading]

Higher Ed Dumbs Down Much of Society – Really. Here’s How

As a professor I have seen how the corrupted values in higher education have sent destructive waves throughout all of American education; and thus against the bulwark of our economy, our politics, and our society. Here is the process in a … [Continue reading]

James Madison on Education and Democracy

Sadly, in today's world of higher education, the institutions that Madison trusted to "diffuse knowledge" have used that trust to take knowledge, money and fame for themselves. Of course, when I say institutions, I don't mean every institution, or … [Continue reading]

Democracy and Education from Robert A. Dahl (“…leading theorist of political pluralism…” Ency. Brit.)

"...democracy cannot be justified merely as a system for translating the raw, uninformed will of a popular majority into public policy. It is foolish and historically false to suppose that enlightenment has nothing to do with democracy. It is foolish … [Continue reading]

Covid-19 Vaccination Distribution

The link below gives a good explanation about why it is important that the positivity rate is low. First, here is my take. (Keep in mind that I'm not a statistician, though I used to play one when I taught a senior/graduate level course in it, but it … [Continue reading]

Excellent Explanation of the Near Future of the Pandemic

The beginning of this podcast (up to about 9 minutes in) is by far the clearest explanation of what we can expect in the near future for Covid-19 - and why we can expect it. … [Continue reading]

Cutting Off Nose Isn’t Partisan – It’s Stupid To cut off your nose to spite your face isn't partisan - unless you are so poorly educated that you … [Continue reading]

Trust in Universities – About the Same as the Police

This is according to a new poll. Here are the numbers: … [Continue reading]

Piketty on “Diffusion of Knowledge”

Today's Financial Times has a review of Thomas Piketty's new book. I commented by pointing out that Piketty views knowledge and educational systems to be of tantamount importance, but I worry he doesn't see the problem. Here is my comment. I hope … [Continue reading]