Are You Getting A Grant, or Merit- and Need-Based Financial Aid, (As Your College May Call It) – Or, Is Everyone In Your Statistical Bracket Getting The Same Coupon For A Discount? Read This

How Private Colleges Are Like Cheap Sushi : NPR Ed : NPR.

A Must Read From The Economist (This Week’s Cover Story)

Universities: The world is going to university | The Economist. This link is to the introduction. Here is the link to the complete report. I commented on the introduction. “”…price becomes a proxy for quality. By charging more, good universities gain both revenue and prestige…” I am a former professor. I taught math at one […]

Why So Few Online Courses? Quotes From “The Economist” 3/28/2015 Edition on Universities

“…Since the value of a degree from a selective institution depends on its scarcity, good universities have little incentive to produce more graduates..” (From <>) which may be why, even though “…Technology offers the promise of making education both cheaper and more effective, but universities resist adopting it…”  (From <>)

Graph in The Economist is flawed

Technology and universities: The log-on degree | The Economist. This graph shows an increase from 1992-2015 of almost 100%, but that is the increase in advertised tuition. The true, or net, increase is 22%. There is a link to the data on my blog (inside-higher-ed ) in the post “How the Government Exaggerates the Cost […]

Measuring Benefits of Smaller Amounts in Same Container

Is your degree worth it?: It depends what you study, not where | The Economist. There is a fallacy in these statistics.  I commented. Just as consumers can be fooled into believing that today’s can of “whatever” contains the same amount as yesterday’s, so can “consumers” of today’s degrees be fooled into thinking they contain […]

Kevin Carey’s Good Idea (MOOC’s) Needs Help

College for a New Age – is a good editorial about Kevin Carey’s new book.  He has good ideas about MOOC’s, but he needs help, as I pointed out. “I’m a former professor. I now write a blog on higher education’ inside-higher-ed . I have read several of Mr. Carey’s essays. He understands higher education, […]

I think this is a good piece.  Note that she does realize that for-profits are not the only problem schools. A Strike Against Student Debt –

“Even With Debt, College Still Pays Off”(The Atlantic) NOT FOR SOCIETY

Even With Debt, College Still Pays Off – The Atlantic. I believe that the story is much more subtle.  Here is what I wrote. “There is a more nuanced view of the fact that “college grads out earn high school grads” than just “college is worth it”. Here is the short version. It is based […]

Excellent Essay on College Truth – Should Be Required Reading

This essay by Kevin Carey is excellent. How to Raise a University’s Profile: Pricing and Packaging – I commented, but just to add to the information in the essay. Thank you, Mr. Carey. This essay should be required reading for everyone – at least everyone who cares about our economy, our society, and the […]